All Activities at Good Shepherd Suspended Until March 31, 2020

Dearly Beloved Members of Good Shepherd,

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus, our Lord (2 Peter 1:2). Amen.

In light of the recent announcements from the federal and the state governments, and in consultation with our leadership, we will be suspending all activities at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Preschool until March 31, 2020. With this announcement, it means that there will be no Midweek services or Sunday services for the rest of the month.

I am currently working on a video that individuals and families can access for home devotions for tonight that will continue our Lenten series of sermons. We are planning for video services for all Sundays and Wednesdays going forward. I will send out an email later with the link for the video and the video will also be available on our Facebook page.

Also, if there is anyone who needs assistance in any way–shopping for groceries, running errands, etc.–please do not hesitate to let me know. You can be in touch with me by email (, text, or phone call (540-580-5361). We have young, healthy folks without underlying conditions that stand ready to help in any way. 
As we go through this very unique and unprecedented time for our nation, let us continue to pray for, and to be ready to offer any assistance to, our brothers and sisters in Christ and to our neighbors as they have need.

The peace of the Lord be with you all.

In Jesus, our Good Shepherd,
Pastor Keith Beasley

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