Update on masks and singing at Good Shepherd

As of Sunday, May 16, masks are no longer required inside Good Shepherd. We will also resume singing, the sharing of the peace, and the traditional distribution of Communion.

Throughout the pandemic, we have striven to follow applicable state law as commanded in Romans 13. The Governor, at the recommendation of the CDC, lifted the mask and social distancing mandates for vaccinated people in Virginia on May 15.

The CDC and Governor’s guidelines continue to call for those who have not received vaccinations to wear masks indoors. We encourage following these guidelines; however we will not be checking vaccination cards at the door. Each family and worshipper should continue to decide how to safely and joyfully worship for themselves with loving consideration for their neighbors. You are welcome to wear masks or view the livestream of our service at www.facebook.com/GSLCP/live if you determine this meets your needs.

if you have any concerns or questions, please contact us. Information regarding COVID-19 and vaccines can be found at https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/covid-19-in-virginia/. The Church rejoices at the opportunity to gather her members together in the name of our Risen Lord.

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