Plans to serve Holy Communion

We are making plans for members to be able to receive Holy Communion in small groups at the church on Sundays. We are also planning to have an option for folks in the New River Valley to do the same. Below you will see the schedule we will follow:

At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
9:00 AM
9:20 AM
9:40 AM
10:00 AM
10:20 AM
10:40 AM
11:00 AM
11:20 AM
11:40 AM

New River Valley
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:30 PM

First, I must reiterate that you have to make the best decision for you and your family if you plan to participate. We will observe the government guidelines of gathering no more than 10 people. I will send out procedures on Friday which we will follow so that everyone will be aware beforehand.

Please contact me to let me know if your family plans to participate and how many would be present. If you can come at any of the listed times, your flexibility will be greatly appreciated. If you need a specific time, let me know.

God bless you and yours as we live through this very difficult time. Continue to pray for all affected by the Coronavirus–for the sick, and those who care for them; for our leaders, and those who are providing care on the front line; for all workers, and those who have lost income and struggle due to a lack of work; and for each of us as we deal with our own unique situations.

The Lord be with you all.

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