Online Maundy Thursday Service

Dear Beloved Children of the Heavenly Father,

First, there will be no Holy Week Devotion tonight or tomorrow since we will have services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday posted online. We will plan on Saturday night at 8:00 PM when we will have a focus on Easter Vigil.

Below is the link for the YouTube video of our Online Maundy Thursday Worship for April 9 (tonight) and it is available now. The service is designed for your viewing and participation without any other resources.

There is still time to sign up if you desire Holy Communion on Easter Sunday morning. Please click here to see the times we are serving the Lord’s Supper.

God bless you and yours as we live through this very difficult time. Continue to pray for all affected by the coronavirus–for the sick, and those who care for them; for our leaders, and those who are providing care on the front line; for all workers, and those who have lost income and struggle due to a lack of work; and for each of us as we deal with our own unique situations.

In Jesus, our Good Shepherd,
Pastor Keith Beasley

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