GSLC Outreach and LWML will partner to sponsor a volunteer event at the Rescue Mission on Sunday, April 2, between 1:30 and…
Ash Wednesday | February 22Imposition of Ashes at Virginia Tech War Memorial Chapel 7:30 AM, 8:00 AM, and 8:30 AM…
In a previous post, the time for Christmas morning service was incorrectly listed as 10:30. Here are the times and…
Advent services with soup supperCome join us Wednesdays during AdventSoup suppers start at 6:00 PM. Advent services begin at 7:00…
Mark your calendars!The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League presents their annualBazaar and Bake Saleat Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & Preschool1887 Electric…
Come one, come all to the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Preschool Rummage and Bake Sale — 8:00 A.M. to…
Join us for the annual Good Shepherd work day on Saturday, August 6. We need all types of hands —…
Hosanna! Here is the schedule for services and events this Holy Week. Please join us to celebrate the Passion and…
During the season of Lent, we are holding services at 7:00 PM Wednesday nights. Please join us. Services will also…
Happy Advent! From now until Christmas, join us at 7:00 P.M. each Wednesday night for Midweek Advent Service. Services will…