Alleulia! The Lord is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
Dearly Beloved Children of the Heavenly Father,
I hope that all of you and yours are still well as we continue to navigate this Coronavirus Pandemic. In the meantime, here is the link to our Online Worship Service for May 24, 2020.
For those who have difficulty with streaming, I have attached PDF files of my sermon and the slides used for the worship service. Please note that there are over 20 slides for the service if you plan to print it out.
Bulletin for Online Sunday Service, May 24, 2020
MARK YOUR CALENDAR as we have an evening devotion every Thursday night at 8:00 PM. We will stream this on Zoom using the link and login info below:
ID: 703 423 6760
Password: John10
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ID: 703 423 6760
Password: 001251
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